Ticks Most people know that ticks can be dangerous to humans and animals such as the family pet. Ticks can carry and transmit Lyme disease and other diseases as well. But what can you do? You can be educated about what to be aware of and what you can do to help prevent ticks from getting under […]
Tag Archives: pest control boise
Earwigs Earwigs are a common household pest and are unique with the way they look. They are easily recognizable by their pinchers located at the ends of their abdomen, which are generally harmless to humans. Earwigs will actually use the pinchers when sparing with other earwigs. They are a dark reddish-brown, have light brown legs, […]
BillBugs and Lawn Damage In Idaho one of the most common lawn pests is the Bluegrass Billbug; these pests can cause some serious damage to your lawn if not taken care of properly. Alpha Home Pest Control can help make a proper diagnosis. Signs/Damage Damages from billbugs can resemble drought/lack of watering, with irregular patches […]
Pests, Allergies and Your Health Certain pests and your health won’t always mix well together. Creepy crawly unwanted pests and rodents aren’t only annoying, they can contribute to some serious health problems. Preventative actions are important when it comes to protecting your home, business, schools, hospitals, restaurants, daycare’s and elderly rest homes. Some pest examples: […]
Carpenter Ant Control Carpenter ants are considered one the largest ants in the United States, with a sizing range from 3.4 mm to 13 mm long. Black is the most common color for carpenter ants, however there are some species that are reddish or yellowish in color. Where Can Carpenter Ants Be Found? Carpenter ants […]
Keeping Pests Out At Alpha Home Pest Control we encourage our clients to be proactive, using proper exclusion tactics and making their homes “unattractive” to the pests, helping keep pests out. Here are some common Q and A’s for homeowners to help understand why being proactive is important. What attracts pests to your home? If […]
At Alpha Home Pest Control we encourage our clients to be proactive, using proper exclusion tactics and making their homes “unattractive” to the pests, helping keep pests out of your home. Here are some common Q and A’s for homeowners to help understand why being proactive is important. Q: What attracts pests to your home? […]
Centipedes in Idaho Centipedes can range from yellow to dark brown, occasionally with darker striped markings. Their length ranges from 1/8 – 6” (4-152 mm). What makes centipedes interesting is the number of legs they have, ranging from 15 – 177 pairs. Centipedes are found in Idaho as well as throughout the U.S. and around […]
Gopher Control Have you ever had the yard or garden of your dreams and then discovered someone has gone through and vandalized it? Having your prized yard or garden destroyed and eaten by some mysterious creature can be a frustrating situation for some to handle. If you are noticing piles of dirt or tunnels a […]
Mud dauber is a common name for wasps that make their nests with mud. There are many species of wasps referred to as mud dauber’s; some other common names are dirt daubers, organ-pipe wasps, mud wasps and potter wasps. Although their appearance varies, mud daubers generally are from ½ to 1 inch long. Mud daubers […]
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