Tag Archives: kuna pest control

What is IPM?

What is IPM? When working in the professional pest control industry we are handling many different types of products and chemicals.  Knowledge and caution is important when using these types of products. Safety of humans, animals, the structure to be treated, type of pest and environment all need to be taken in to consideration. That […]

Why are Bed Bugs such a Feared Pest?

Bed bugs are at the top of the list for most feared pests and experiencing a bed bug infestation in your own home can take its toll on any family.  If you think about it, bed bugs are like a physiological pest, they can take over your home as well as your mind Over the […]

Early Spring Cleaning Tips

As pest professionals, were here to remind you about early spring cleaning tips and to get a jump start on the “spring” cleaning around the home.  It’s safe to say we have definitely had a mild winter and some great temperatures the last few weeks.  With it being so warm out, this is the time […]

Weevils in your Pantry

Pesky weevils in your pantry, more like in your food.  No one wants to think about bugs being in their food, but the reality is that it does happen and is more common than you probably care to realize.  A common pantry pest is the weevil.  There are thousands of different species of weevils, but […]

Cockroaches and How to Spot Them

Cockroaches and how to spot them If you think you have cockroaches sneaking around your home, office or business detecting them as early as possible is critical to winning a major war against these nasty home invaders. The longer they are there the more time they have to get established, get comfy and multiply, which […]

Ants a Common Winter Pest

Ants, a common winter pest.  Here in the Treasure Valley the snow has been melting away and we have already answered a handful of calls for ants.   We have mentioned before, pests do not just “go away” and/ or die when winter hits.  Ants will find a safe place to try to escape from the […]

Bed Bugs and What to Watch For

Bed bugs and what to watch for can be difficult to detect in the beginning. Bed bugs are a gross and extremely uncomfortable problem to have. You don’t have to be a “dirty and unkempt” person to get bed bugs either, anyone can get them. Bed bugs are not picky and love to travel.  To […]

Crawl Space Restoration

Alpha Home Pest Control now offers crawl space inspections. The need of a Crawl Space Restoration has many different reasons, including infestations from rodents, termites, snakes etc and mold issues.  Crawl space areas need to be able to have enough air flow to stay cool and dry.  If they are allowed to build up excess […]

Staying Pest Free During the Holidays

It’s that time of year again, busy holidays and a new year about to begin. The holidays can be a hectic time with friends and family coming and going for visits, it’s easy to get distracted from the little things that help keep your home tidy and pest free. Here at Alpha Home Pest Control […]

Common Winter Household Pests

Common winter household pests, when the outside temperature starts to cool many types of pests will start to seek warm shelter within your home or garage.  When pests are successful at keeping this new shelter throughout winter it can create problems in the spring, such as allowing time for a large infestation to build or […]