Tag Archives: carpenter ants

Should You Still Get Pest Services In The Winter?

As you’ve probably heard over the years, pest control in the winter is just a waste and not really worth it because pests will just, “go away” right? Well the truth of the matter is, getting winter pest services are just as important as any other time of the year, if not more valuable we’d […]

Carpenter Ant Control

Carpenter Ant Control Carpenter ants are considered one the largest ants in the United States, with a sizing range from 3.4 mm to 13 mm long. Black is the most common color for carpenter ants, however there are some species that are reddish or yellowish in color. Where Can Carpenter Ants Be Found? Carpenter ants […]

Pest Control in the Winter

We have heard it many times, pest control in the winter is a waste and not needed because the pests “go away”.  The truth is, winter pest services are just as important as any other, if not more valuable. When the temperatures start to cool and winter begins, pests, rodents and spiders, insects do not […]