Mice Clean Up Tips

Mice Clean Up Tips

Mice are always an unwanted messy house guest. Once you finally get ride of them, proper clean-up is the next step. You want to make sure you do it safety. Remember, a mouse and his pals can leave behind some pretty harmful stuff such as Hantavirus, Salmonella, Leptospirosis, Rat-bite fever and Plague. Germs can still be found in mice urine and feces long after the mice are gone. Just because an area looks clean doesn’t mean it is.

We understand you want your home cleaned quickly; but it’s important to take the proper precautions.

Grab Your Rubber Gloves and Jot Down Some of Alpha’s Tips!

  • Invest in a good pair of gloves.  Wear them during the entire cleaning process: rubber, latex or vinyl will work. Don’t do any clean up with your bare hands. Mice urinate when they become frightened; then may also walk through it. Thus further spreading the germs where ever they go.
  • Don’t sweep or vacuum up the droppings. These cleaning methods can cause the release more airborne virus particles.
  • Instead, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends saturating mouse/rodent droppings, nests and any areas where rats have lingered with a disinfectant mixture that kills germs on contact. The CDC also recommends using a mixture of one-and-a-half cups of bleach to a gallon of water (a 1 to 9 ratio). Spray the affected areas well, and leave the bleach or disinfectant in place for 5 to 10 minutes. You may also use over the counter disinfectants too, just make sure the label “disinfectant” on the label.
  • After you have saturated the area to be cleaned; use a cloth or sponge to scoop up the debris. Place it inside a plastic bag and be sure to seal it tightly; then place it in yet another plastic bag and seal it tightly. Dispose of plastic bags in an outdoor garbage bin for pick up.
  • After the loose debris (mice droppings, nests material) have been cleaned up wipe all areas (counter tops, cabinet shelves, drawers) down with disinfectant. Mice are curious creatures make sure you disinfect where they may have scurried about. *Note, that it’s a great idea to use disposable mop heads and disposable sponges or paper towels that can easily be discarded when the job is done.
  • If the area you are cleaning is carpeted or has rugs, shampoo or steam clean the affected area.
  • Open up the windows and let some fresh air and sunshine in
  • When you’re near the end of your cleaning disinfect your gloves before taking them off and dispose of them right away. Immediately wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water. Washing your hangs vigorously is what loosens up germs that can be rinsed away.

If you feel uncomfortable or have a rather large area to be cleaned up you can call a licensed professional to come clean up and get your home in tip top shape.